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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

ebookworm interview with George Kerscher

You are invited to join us for our monthly onlineebookworm program on Thursday, August 26 from 3:00 to4:00 p.m. central time. This will be an excitingprogram you will not want to miss!

Our featured guest this month will be George Kerscher,Senior Officer for Accessible Information at Recordingfor the Blind & Dyslexic, Secretary General of theDAISY Consortium, Co-Chair of the Web AccessibilityInitiative (WAI), a division of the W3C, andChairperson of the Open eBook Forum.

To attend, come to our online auditorium a
type your name and click enter to go into the onlinemeeting room. As you enter a small software appletwill download on your computer. All you need toparticipate are an Internet connection, sound card andspeakers. If you have a microphone, you canparticipate with audio. You can still interact withtext chat if you do not have a microphone.For more information on this program, contact TomPeters at

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