Sure, the iPad is cool – but is it a real computer? by Andy Ihnatko (Chicago Sun Times)
"I’ve bought an iPad because I quickly recognized that I have an iPad-shaped hole in my life. Also because I need one for the iPad book I’m writing, but really, it was easy to spot that this is a machine that will work well for me. I read all of my books digitally and get nearly all of my entertainment online. I travel frequently and a full-sized notebook is rarely a necessity. I’m self-employed and often feel the urge to flee the office and work for a few hours at The Bagel Place With The Wifi down the street." (with unboxing video)
Apple's iPad is a touch of genius by Xeni Jardin (BoingBoing)
"Flick the switch and the novelty hits. Just as the iPhone, Palm Pré and Android phones scratched an itch we didn't know we had—somewhere between cellphone and notebook—the iPad hits a completely new pleasure spot. The display is large enough to make the experience of apps and games on smaller screens stale. Typography is crisp, images gem-like, and the speed brisk thanks to Apple's A4 chip and solid state storage. As I browse early release iPad apps, web pages, and flip through the iBook store and books, the thought hits that this is a greater leap into a new user experience than the sum of its parts suggests."
Laptop Killer? Pretty Close by Walter Mossberg (Wall Street Journal)
"For the past week or so, I have been testing a sleek, light, silver-and-black tablet computer called an iPad. After spending hours and hours with it, I believe this beautiful new touch-screen device from Apple has the potential to change portable computing profoundly, and to challenge the primacy of the laptop. It could even help, eventually, to propel the finger-driven, multitouch user interface ahead of the mouse-driven interface that has prevailed for decades."
Looking at the iPad From Two Angles by David Pogue (New York Times)
" The haters tend to be techies; the fans tend to be regular people. Therefore, no single write-up can serve both readerships adequately. There’s but one solution: Write separate reviews for these two audiences."
iPad Reviews: Raves For Apple's Latest Product (Huffington Post)
A slide show roundup of reviews from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Chicago Sun-Times, PC Mag, Telegraph, and TIME .
Technorati Tags: ipad, apple
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