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Saturday, April 20, 2002

Pumatech Enterprise Syncing at Cambridge

Dr. Mohammad Al-Ubaydli ( responded to
Steven Grove's information request on Pumatech enterprise syncing systems.

"Dear Seven,
we used Pumatech's software in a project to allow Cambridge University medical students to share their teaching. You can find some more information about it at:

The idea was to allow students to make notes whichever hospital they were in, wherever the learning was to be done (ie lecture, library or ward round). As the students came back once a week to the Cambridge University Addenbrooke's Hospital, they could synchronise (using a very functional infra-red beamer). The synchronisation process gives a students everybody else's notes, and gives everybody else the student's note.

As Laura and I left the project, we'd just set up a trading structure - although every student could browse every other student's notes, to have full access to them required credits... and these are gained by making your own notes attractive to other people.

Let me know if you'd like more info."

He has pdf copies of the report and will share them if you
email him at

Thanks, Dr. Al-Ubaydli!

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